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Building a Thriving Leadership Culture: Expert Strategies for SME Owners

As a business leader do these resonate?

  • I am involved in everything!

  • I am struggling to identify and cultivate a strong pipeline of potential leaders.

  • My senior team are feeling overwhelmed, confused, and stressed in their role

  • Time constraints are hindering our ability to spend time on people development,

  • No pipeline exists for future talent development or recruitment

  • The business has so much potential- but I can’t do it on my own…

If any - or all - of these challenges resonate with you, it's a clear indication that it's time to pause, take a step back, and strategically plan your approach to creating a concrete plan that will drive the necessary changes and pave the way for success with a team of leaders who take responsibility and take action for the good of the common goal.

This guide shares with you how to plan for leadership growth – about your team and your expectations of them, and how you support them to be the best possible version of themselves: are you setting them up for success?

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